Thursday, December 18, 2008

Have a Sustainable Holiday Season

Well after about a year of work the Individual Self-Assessment reports are going in the mail today! So every municipality that took part, all 250, will receive an individual report based on their session. The reports emphasize the fact that they are based on the results as discussed at each session and are not intended as an outsiders evaluation but are a real self-assessment.

No doubt some councils will not receive their report until early in 2009 but hopefully that will place issues of sustainability on the top of the priority list for the new year.

I have to say a special thank you to those councils who took part in the Pilot phase of the project as it will have been a year between the session and the report. I do apologize for the time lag but there were delays in securing the funding project in the initial phases. Never the less it is now complete.

Again, Thanks you to all councils, and staff who took the time from their busy schedules to take part.

In 2009 the CCRC will continue helping municipalities work together to enhance their sustainability and it will al be posted here and on the CCRC website.

Have a safe and happy Christmas.


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