Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Full Summer Ahead

Despite the regular trend of municipal business slowing down a little during the summer months the CCRC is chugging full steam ahead. We have finally started our Sustainability Self-Assessment project and we have retained Mr. Stephen Quinton as our Project Coordinator. Stephen will be responsible for all the logistics and reporting for the project and he will be in contact with every municipal office over the coming months to arrange a time for each council to go through the Sustainability Self-Assessment tool kit.

The process should take about 3 or 4 hours and we are flexible to arrange these sessions around the schedules of councillors and staff. Summer is a difficult time to start a project of this nature but we have to get it off the ground now and it will run for approximately 5 months. We are asking that all municipalities take the time to engage in this process because it is a great opportunity to step back and take an honest look at long term sustainability issues and it is a first step toward developing ICSPs as mentioned in previous posts.

If you would like to be proactive you can give Stephen a call here at the MNL office at 709-753-6820 and he can begin setting up meeting times that work for you. Otherwise expect a call form him in the near future.

The CCRC is also continually involved in the Functional Regions research project as mentioned here. That project involves multiple researchers and research assistants including Ann Marie Cashin working out of the MNL office under the direction of the CCRC. She is conducting some follow up work on the 2007 Census that the CCRC completed recently.

Beyond those two projects is the work on regional cooperation that the CCRC is continually involved with and the work related to building our resource centre and having it searchable online. Unfortunately it is not yet searchable from the CCRC website but we're working on it.

Cheers to a safe and happy summer all around.

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