Thursday, October 23, 2008

Changeover issues continued.....

It turns out that not only were there email issues but also website issues.
So if you are looking for any documents from the CCRC section of the website and the links are not working give it a week or so and we should be up and running. If it's something you need ASAP please let me know at and I'll get it to as soon as I can.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Contact Information Changes

Just a quick note that all email addresses within MNL have changed. Since we are no longer the NLFM our new addresses are in the format of "". So for the CCRC the new email is The website has also changed to

If you have any problems contacting the office give us a call at 1-709-753-6820.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

And a good time was had by all.....

So now it's over and we can start planning for the next one but the 58th annual convention was a great success! Despite one issue taking centre stage there were many issues discussed of high priority to municipalities in NL.

There were presentations on asphalt quality, community scale hydro possibilities, Long term sustainability planning(ICSP) and waste management. There was an announcement on the new branding of NLMEBinc. as Trio, and sessions dedicated to fisheries and Marine Atlantic. There was also the resolutions session where members passed resolutions supporting mandatory winter tires, continuing the revolution of the MNL convention, the creation of a Provincial land use advisory committee, support for the new TODS program, and a fixed link across the Strait of Belle Isle.

Also released was the results of the Municipal Councillor Survey which will be added to the CCRC website shortly along with many of the presentations from the convention.

Now that convention is over the CCRC blog will be updated on a more regular basis so check back soon!